Christmas Giving Appeal 2019

A donation to the T1F is a precious gift that you can’t wrap, you don’t place under the tree but it brings hope to all those that receive it.

How do your donations help and directly impact the lives of those living with Type1?

Meet Haydee, she just turned 5.

Haydee was diagnosed on the 5th May 2017. When she was only aged 2 years of age.

Although Haydee’s Dad also lives with Type1 and they knew it was possible as Haydee was on the Endia study, her mum still felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted after Haydee was diagnosed. Although her partner lives with Type1, it wasn’t until having a child with it that she realised the relentlessness of the disease. 

Haydee and her whole family recently attended the Type1 Foundation Christmas Party at Adventure Park Geelong. 

“Haydee had the most wonderful time and we were able to meet other families who also have young children with Type1. It means so much to connect with others also going through what we are”.

- Amy, Haydee’s Mum. 

Amy, Haydee's mum also recently attended the Type1 Mums Dinner in her hometown of Ballarat. Where she met 14 other mum’s going through what she is.

Your donation can help us fund life changing events for connection and support families at diagnosis with care packages and hypokits. 

Donate this Christmas and help support kids like Haydee in 2020


T1F Bushfire Appeal


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