Get involved to help type 1 families

Volunteer with us
T1F provides a unique opportunity for you to get involved and hands on. Volunteers help us support individuals and families living with Type 1 diabetes in a range of roles throughout the year.
As a growing charity organisation, we require support in all areas!
You can help us as little or as much as you’d like, in a role that suits you and your strengths. Check out some of the volunteer options available below.
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Get involved and Run for Type1! Keep fit, and smash your fitness goals this year! Walk, run or jog, 5km, 10km or go for the big ones Half or full Marathon- there’s something for everyone!
In 2016-2017 Our CEO Ange Liston-McCaughley ran 10 Marathons in 1 year in every state and territory of Australia. The reason behind taking up such a challenge was to raise awareness of Type1 Diabetes. And also raise funds in order to create the Type1 Foundation..
Since then hundreds have followed and run Marathons and fun runs to support our cause!
Get involved and Run for Type1! Keep fit, and smash your fitness goals this year! Walk, run or jog, 5km, 10km or go for the big ones Half or full Marathon- there’s something for everyone!
The Type1 Foundation proudly participates in numerous running events around Australia every year to raise awareness and funds for Type1 Diabetes.
Sign up today to Run for Type1 and fundraise for our cause by participating in an event and setting up a page.
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Become a Fundraising Ambassador
Become a Brand Ambassador
Our ambassadors are our biggest fans and help us spread T1D awareness far and wide! They host dinners, rock our merch and tell everyone they know (in person and/or on social media) about our foundation.
If you’re passionate and want to help us on our mission of helping Type 1 Families, then enquire to become one of our awesome brand ambassadors!
Type 1 Voice is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation committed to increasing the broader communities awareness about type 1 diabetes and changing the broader mindset and approach to chronic condition management.
The Type1 Foundation will assume and grow the key advocacy function of Type 1 Voice to strengthen the collective voice of those living with type 1 diabetes. The joining of these two successful consumer organisations to represent the best interests of those living with type 1 diabetes is an exciting development.
The 125,000 individuals living with type 1 diabetes in Australia are underrepresented and are struggling to achieve the quality of life they deserve. Type 1 Foundation Founder Ange Liston- McCaughley said, “This has to change, and bringing on board Type 1 Voice’s key advocacy functions will be a game changer for the type 1 community”.
Since forming in 2006, Type 1 Voice has been a pioneer in influencing positive outcomes for individuals and giving type1 families a true voice. Their success in achieving significant outcomes has ultimately come from listening and understanding the needs of the type 1 community. Past advocacy initiatives have included the extension of carer payments, health supporting workplaces policy, development of the best practice international position statement for type 1 diabetes at school, and development of the world first Parent & Clinician Guide.
Our type 1 diabetes advocacy program aims to build capacity and ensure those living with diabetes, and their associates and caregivers are empowered, have choices, and remain in control of their health decisions. The Type 1 Foundation with its dedicated advocacy service, Type 1 Voice, is committed to improving the lives of all those living with type 1 diabetes.
Want to commit your time to advocating for type 1 families?