Type1 Superstars
Type1 Kids in Our Community Who Are Shining Bright⭐️
Submit Your Own Superstar by clicking the button below.
Include your Type1 Superstar’s first name and any pictures you’d like to feature, as well as their story.
We are a family and take it on together. We are strong, brave and together unstoppable.
We are so incredibly proud of how far our little T1D super star has come.
Willow is strong, amazing and will forever be my hero. There’s nothing she can’t do.
There are good days and bad, but I know we will figure it out and we will be okay.
She is the first person with Type1 diabetes to be selected to compete on a travelling Swim team.
I hope that one day he sees what a brave, amazing person he is and that he will inspire other T1’s.
Some days may slow her down, but she truly is unstoppable.
I am forever proud of how strong he is and how well he has taken all of this on at his young age!
Every week Diabetes throws us a curve ball, sometimes daily… but we’ve got this and we’re going to kick it’s ass!
We hope to help raise more awareness so he grows up in a positive and accepting environment.
Finn is an absolute champion at managing with Type 1 Diabetes