Type1 Superstar ✨Beau✨
On the 14th of May 2023 (Mother’s Day) our lives changed forever when our son Beau got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, less than a month after his first birthday.
Beau started having ‘staring episodes’ in January 2023 which at the time we were assured that he was probably just tired or maybe a weird post covid symptom. These episodes lasted about a week before disappearing only to re appear a week after Beau’s first birthday in April, where one morning while we were cooking breakfast, we turned around to find Beau unresponsive in his high chair. After a ride in the ambulance and a stay in the Perth Children’s Hospital Neurology ward it was determined he was actually having seizures and that they suspected some sort of epilepsy.
Since then, Beau has had 43 seizures with still no seizure control; it was during one of those trips to the hospital they discovered his sugar readings were 29 which is extremely high, we were transferred straight to PCH and started on insulin injections. After a week-long stay in hospital and learning how to manage and treat his diabetes, we were finally discharged home to navigate this new journey.
We were so lucky his diabetes was caught early and he hasn't gone into dka; we hadn’t noticed any of the diabetes symptoms aside from an increase in thirst, which while in the back of my mind I did wonder could it be type 1 as Beau's dad is also type 1 I still brushed it off thinking maybe the food was just salty, or he's been crawling around a lot he's probably just thirsty and maybe we should check his bgl but then we just kept forgetting. I also thought he was too young to be diabetic! And all the previous trips to the hospital his levels had been fine aside from one time previously where it was raised at 11 which again, they assured us it was probably elevated from the seizure.
So far Beau is doing amazing and showing us how resilient and strong our little babies really are and to never underestimate them. I couldn’t be prouder of him and how he keeps on smiling and taking each day as it comes. There're good days and bad, but I know we will figure it out and we will be okay.