Learn and feel supported with Type1

Online Support & Education Sessions

Newly Diagnosed Online Sessions

Are you or your child newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in the last 12 months? Would you like more support?

We collaborate with Angie Manzke from Reflective Haven (Parent & T1 Diabetes Mindset Coach) to bring you this online event every two months in the year.

This event is a place for Newly Diagnosed T1 families to listen and share experiences of Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis. You will learn, connect and most of all, feel understood at a time it matters most.

Ps- this information is relative even if you're NOT newly diagnosed - so please feel welcome to join us either way.

Carb Counting Online Masterclass

Andi Balog hosts this online masterclass to help you feel SUPER CONFIDENT in Carb Counting and ditch the overwhelm you might be feeling about it right now.

Andi’s goal as a T1D Nutritionist & Personal Trainer is to have you eating a variety of foods without fear, guilt or anxiety - and with the confidence that you know how to carb count for them all!

This is a must-watch for all Type1s, Parents/Carers or Partners of, whether you feel like carb counting is super confusing, or you have it mostly under control - we know you will walk away more confident!

Also have your questions answered by Andi within 48 hours!

Grandparents Online Sessions

Our Grandparents online sessions with Angie Manzke from Reflective Haven are a supportive environment to share your experiences and how to support a loved one living with type1.

This event is recommended for all families living with type1, including grandparents, aunts & uncles, partners, brothers & sisters, and even babysitters of those living with Type 1.