Make a simple finger prick test for Type1 Diabetes at your GP standard practice

Make a simple finger prick test for Type 1 diabetes standard practice.

Make a simple finger prick test for Type 1 diabetes standard practice.

Please help us create much needed change by signing this petition

Children and adults are ending up in a life threatening situation from undiagnosed Type1 Diabetes. This is so easily prevented with a simple Finger Prick. LETS PREVENT DKA. 

Please help us create change. We know a Simple blood Glucose Test via Finger Prick takes less than 1 minute at the Doctor and could save a life.

  • We are asking that its standard procedure that every single GP tests for Type1 Diabetes via finger Prick.

  • We want a Finger Prick Tests to become part of a standard consultation, if an individual has presented to their doctor with an unexplained illness. Especially if they have presented with just 1 of the 4 main symptoms of Type1 Diabetes. Thirsty, Toilet, unexplained weightloss, Lethargic.

  • We are also asking that every Emergency Department tests for Type1 Diabetes at check in, if a child or adult is presenting with just 1 symptom of Type1 Diabetes.

  • We are asking that a doctor never sends a person home without eliminating Type1 Diabetes first via finger prick test.

  • We are asking that this Blood Glucose test is a mandatory routine test at the GP for Children and babies who are presenting as generally unwell, or unexplained illness for some time.

  • We are asking that GP's listen more carefully to parents at multiple visits. If a parent suggests Type1 Diabetes, do a simple blood glucose test via finger prick to eliminate this possibility.

We know that people living with Type1 Diabetes are still being misdiagnosed. A recent survey of over 350 Type1 parents showed that 43% of children were misdiagnosed. With 75% of them ending up in DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) A serious life threatening diabetes complication where the body produces excess blood acids( ketones). This condition occurs when there isn't enough insulin in the body. Parents had taken their child to the doctor on numerous occasions. All of these parents stated " I knew something was not right with my child" " I had a gut feeling something was very wrong, a mothers instinct".


Beanie Drive hits the press


Parent Guide for International Best Practice Type 1 Diabetes care in Australian Schools