Type1 Voice

The Type 1 Foundation Board are excited to announce their amalgamation with Type 1 Voice to expand their vision and to broaden their support services.

The Type1 Foundation will assume and grow the key advocacy function of Type 1 Voice to strengthen the collective voice of those living with type 1 diabetes. The joining of these two successful consumer organisations to represent the best interests of those living with type 1 diabetes is an exciting development.

The Type 1 Foundation are a committed community organisation who are going from strength to strength, providing support, awareness and connection to the Type1 diabetes community. They are filling a gap, delivering support to families living with type 1 diabetes, which has been embraced by this growing community of engaged families.

The 125,000 individuals living with type 1 diabetes in Australia are underrepresented and are struggling to achieve the quality of life they deserve. Type 1 Foundation Founder Ange Liston- McCaughley said, “This has to change, and bringing on board Type 1 Voice’s key advocacy functions will be a game changer for the type 1 community”.

Since forming in 2006, Type 1 Voice, has been a pioneer in influencing positive outcomes for individuals and giving families living with type 1 diabetes a true voice. Their success in achieving significant outcomes has ultimately come from listening and understanding the needs of the type 1 community. Past advocacy initiatives have included the extension of carer payments, health supporting workplaces policy, development of the best practice international position statement for type 1 diabetes at school, and development of the world first Parent Guide and Clinician Guide.

More information about how those living with type 1 diabetes can become involved


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