The Bernstein Method


The Bernstein Method – “Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution”

Dr.Richard K. Bernstein was diagnosed in 1946 with type 1 diabetes at 12 years old. He believes that “everyone deserves normal blood sugars”.

The basics of the Bernstein diet:

  • Low Carb

  • Based on consuming 3 meals a day

  • Prescribed amounts of carbohydrates

·         Bernstein recommends a maximum of 30g carbs in a day structured in the following way:

o   Breakfast 6g Carb

o   Lunch 12g Carb

o   Dinner 12g Carb

            High Protein

  • The key emphasis is on high protein. The book explains how protein does impact blood glucose levels but in comparison to consuming carbohydrates it has minimal effect.

            Moderate Fat

  • Bernstein argues that fat is a necessary part of diet but doesn’t promote as much fat as a ketogenic diet. Fat often accompanies the protein included.

            Lists “allowed” foods and “forbidden” foods

  • All sweeteners, grains fruit, legumes, and starchy vegetables are to be avoided. Certain dairy products are to be avoided.        

The book provides guidelines on foods to avoid or include and the reasons why. There are similarities in the Bernstein method/diet to a ketogenic diet. The diet however pushes higher protein and moderate fat intake in comparison to a ketogenic diet. If you are interested in a less restrictive, low carbohydrate diet you may prefer other low-carb diets.

What made Bernstein write the book?

The first publication was in 1997. His goal is to help diabetics achieve better blood glucose control using the methods as this is what worked for him. The book explains why he finds this method achieves the results that it can get as well preventative measure to avoid long term complications.

Bernstein personally had poorly managed glucose levels in the first two decades of his life which impacted his growth and organs. He was able to get a glucose meter – rare medical equipment at the time – and experimented. He discovered what made his blood glucose levels rise and fall. Through experimentation he adjusted his diet and exercise routines to achieve as “normal” as possible blood glucose levels. This reversed or at least improved many of the health complications he was experiencing from high blood glucose levels.

At 45 years old Bernstein went to medical school, leaving behind a career in engineering so that he could publish his findings and get his method recognised by the medical community. Bernstein started practising as a physician in 1983, helping other diabetics find ways to achieve better glucose control with low-carb diet and exercise.

There are many videos, websites and forums on this diet. These may be of some use if you are interested in learning more.



Very Well Health “What is Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Diet?”:

Diabetes Daily “Dr Bernstein’s Low Carb Diet”:


Journal Articles:

Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes Solutions:



JRDF TypeOne Nation:

Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution:


Where to get the book?

Borrow it from your library – if they don’t have it in stock you can always place a purchase request or an interlibrary loan if this is a service they offer.

Download as an eBook or audiobook:
