Climbing back up to the top of the mountain - 'Dave Barnes' Journey
Diabetes. Strapped by tubes in my hospital bed, doing laps around my ward to try to salvage some of my health and self esteem.
Make a difference and join our Team!
The Type1 Foundation and Hypoactive have teamed up and are proud to present to you The Geelong 70.3 Ironman Event - Feb 18th 2018.
New e-learning modules helping schools and childcare
We are so proud to announce our partnership with the Australian Paediatric Society ( the peak Australian professional body for regional paediatric diabetes care, in providing the first e-learning courses for schools and childcare providers which was launched on the 4th of November, 2017.
Thank-you Lou Richards
Without the support of the great Lou Richards and his family, the Type 1 Foundation would not have the ongoing support of the Collingwood Football Club.