William’s Diagnosis Story
This is Williams Journey… As told by William’s mum Michelle.
William turned 2 yrs old in May. Around mid-June he started drinking a lot more than usual, we thought nothing of it because we had at the same time started warming up his drinks in the hope he would drink more, as he was not big on drinking his milk and water beforehand. A couple of weeks later he was urinating a lot more, he would fill and leak a nappy within 2 hrs of changing him.
My mum who has Type 2 Diabetes suggested we take him to the doctors. He had a fasting glucose test which came back normal. The following week during an appointment for a skin prick test, the specialist suggested we have another blood test to check William's kidney function. At the time of that a virus had hit our house with everyone having what we thought were head colds. 2 days later on the Friday William's Nana called me to come home early, he was very unwell. Refusing food, very lethargic, hard of breathing.
I rushed him to Frankston Hospital, William is asthmatic so doctors were treating him for asthma. It wasn't until I noted to a nurse that there was a weird smell coming from him that the hospital changed their course of treatment. My partner stayed with him overnight while I went home. By the time I came back the next morning William was slipping in and out of consciousness. It was at that point I was told they had been in contact with Monash Children's Hospital where doctors were arranging a PIPER transfer to Monash. By lunch time we were transferred to Monash Children's Hospital where William was taking straight up to the PICU. The paediatric endocrine doctor came to speak with us where it was confirmed William has Type 1 Diabetes.
That smell I noted to the nurse at Frankston turned out to be the ketones, he was DKA. Our world was thrown around, we were shocked. That fasting glucose test result was wrong. Confusion, shock, scared, anger, we felt it all.
William stayed in the PICU for 24 long hours, then onto the ward. 2 days after diagnosis a swab test of William's nose came back positive to Influenza A. We were then isolated to our room and only allowed to leave with face masks on.
Over the next few days we had educators, nutritionists, and social workers come to see us. We were taught to administer insulin which I couldn't do for a few more days, I mentally struggled to put a needle in my son's skin. I became sick also, ending up in the emergency department for a day and being sent home for rest, which turns out I too tested positive to Influenza A. It was such a tough week, but we all got better and he came home after 7 days in hospital.
We had two weeks of getting used to all the life changes, educating the rest of our family and trying to set a new routine. Until Friday night last week... gastro hit William full force. Upon advice from the doctor on duty at Monash we took William to Frankston Hospital. He was discharged on Tuesday but was still sick and within 12 hours of being home William was sick again.
Taking no chances we took him to Monash Children's Hospital instead of back to Frankston. 3 days later he was finally well enough to come home. From diagnosis to today, it's been 4 weeks. 3 admissions to hospital with a total of 2 weeks. It's been a huge change and shock to everyone. William is the first T1D on both sides of his family.
We're taking things day by day, with heaps of support from the Type1 community and our endo team.
-Michelle. William’s Mum.